Writer | Podcaster | Food lover




Writing has always been the medium I best express myself in. Explore thoughts, reflections, poetry and more on my blog.


Catch up on recent episodes of The Femmedamentalists, a podcast I co-host about news, culture, and politics with a desi twist. Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and SoundCloud.


As a co-founder of Plenty, a platform for all things food, I’m always going on culinary adventures – follow along here for my favorite recipes on @cookwithplenty.

about me…


I am a writer and a professional living in New York City with my two cats, a few dying plants, and an in-unit washer/dryer. I created this space to hold all of my hobbies in one place. As an introvert with a ton of unhealthy coping mechanisms, writing is how I keep myself from completely melting down (and therapy, of course). As a Pakistani-American with a large family of mostly loud opinionated women, talking at people comes pretty naturally to me. And cooking is the love language I inherited from my mom.

READ: My approach to writing is inspired by Toni Morrison's quote “If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." Since I don't often see myself in the mainstream media, I write from personal experience and while that usually centers around trauma and grief, it's also funny sometimes! It's also why, as a fantasy and fiction fan, I've been writing my own book and I hope to share my journey with you all.

LISTEN: Continuing the grand tradition of creating space for yourself when you're not included in the narrative, I co-host a podcast, The Femmedamentalists, where we investigate and unpack current issues and taboo topics in the South Asian community.

COOK: Plenty is a platform I co-founded to share recipes and support BIPOC and other minority-led food-related businesses. Follow along for mealtime ideas or just enjoy the foodporn.

Regardless of what speaks to you the most, I hope you find some joy, comfort, or inspiration while you’re here.